Rural Net Increases Internet Service Area for Economic Benefits

The Need

Darren Roy, owner of a start-up fiber optic Internet service provider, saw the need to obtain funding to increase the service area.

The PennTAP Connection

Rural Net contacted PennTAP in hopes of submitting an application for a broadband micro-grant.

The Project

The PennTAP advisors worked with Rural Net to submit the grant application and continued to brainstorm with the owner about where funding could be found. PennTAP also has connections throughout the state that Rural Net had not known about.

The Outcome

Rural Net was introduced to many economic development partners in the Northern Tier, including Northern Tier Regional Planning and Development Commission, Central Bradford Progress Authority, Small Business Development Center, and Bradford County Commissioners. As a result of introductions to these entities, Rural Net has received much support by way of planning, designing, and monies.

Rural Net has recognized more than $100,000 in economic benefits to date, and is looking forward to compiling much more.

About the Company

Rural Net, LLC
1485 Springfield Road
Columbia Crossroads PA 16914

County: Bradford

Employees: 5
Industry: Information Technology Services