The Need
Rafferty Electrical Systems struggled with a less-than-adequate Internet connection. Their ISP could not deliver anything faster. Some of their engineering work would take an extremely long time to transfer to customers, and an off-site backup had to be started at the end of the day, with the hope it would be completed by morning.
The PennTAP Connection
Corry Riley with the Clarion University SBDC referred Rafferty Electrical Systems to PennTAP for assistance with their Internet connection, with the hope of identifying a financially viable alternative.
The Project
PennTAP researched many alternatives, including a possible wireless solution utilizing “State” towers in the area. A satellite solution was also investigated. The end result was a Comcast Cable service extension requiring a cable build-out of approximately 1/3 mile. Although the initial cost estimates were out-of-reach for Rafferty Electrical Systems, Comcast stepped up with a 50% price reduction. PennTAP helped Rafferty Electrical Services obtain a DCED Broadband grant that covered most of the remaining cost bringing the project within financial reach.
The Outcome
The new Internet service provides Rafferty Electrical Systems with a more-than-acceptable Internet performance boost, allowing the company to perform daily Internet activities without experiencing unnecessary delays.
Total Economic Impact: $72,050
Jobs Retained: 1
About the Company
Rafferty Electrical Systems, LLC
1093 Parks Rd
Corsica PA 15829
County: Jefferson
Employees: 2
Industry: Logistics and Transportation