PennTAP helps York wallpaper company upgrade lighting, save thousands annually

The PennTAP team was very professional and knowledgeable during the entire project. I would recommend them to others looking for energy efficiency upgrades for their organization.

Heather Schneider, Regulatory Manager, York Wallcoverings, Inc.

The Need

York Wallcoverings has been manufacturing wallpaper from the same factory location in York, PA for over a century.  

The wallpaper company’s regulatory manager, Heather Schneider, first learned about PennTAP through a PennTAP email. She attended a few of PennTAP’s webinars, and the company eventually decided it wanted to start improving energy efficiency at two of their facilities and reached out to PennTAP to get started. 

The Project

PennTAP Advisor Amy Jorden performed site evaluations to determine potential energy efficiency improvements in York Wallcoverings’ two facilities located in York. She surveyed their compressed air systems, lighting, and partial building envelope. This assessment was supported by a grant provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  

Following the site evaluation, Amy provided an in-depth report outlining potential savings if efficiency measures were implemented. She also completed a utility bill analysis. 

Based on PennTAP’s reports and analysis, York Wallcoverings decided to move forward with an LED lighting upgrade at their Loucks Rd. facility. This lighting project involved the removal of over 650 lighting fixtures. 

Amy also connected York Wallcoverings with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to participate in the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grant to help offset project costs. 

Outcomes and Benefits

York Wallcoverings was awarded a USDA REAP grant totaling $68,503. The LED upgrades completed will lead to annual energy savings of $14,759 and 210,840 kWh of energy. 

York Wallcoverings plans to continue to work with PennTAP on future energy efficiency projects at their facilities. 

PennTAP is committed to helping achieve nine of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Of those nine goals, this project aligned with:  

About the Client

York Wallcoverings, Inc.
750 Linden Ave.
York, PA 17404
Phone: (717) 846-4456
County: York
Industry: Wallpaper manufacturer