PennTAP helps music-based nutrition education program acquire funding for studio upgrades

Alanna at PennTAP was hugely helpful in assisting with the technical side of the application, that is the calculations of the energy and cost savings for the improvements. You simply cannot be awarded without it.

Jill Jayne, Owner, Jump with Jill

The Need

“Jump with Jill” is a music-based nutrition education program and has been a leader in interactive educational experiences since 2008. To support the growth of “Jump with Jill,” the facility needed cost-effective lighting and better cooling to create a studio environment. During the pandemic, the need was redefined to include creating a well-lit, ventilated space to shift operations from in-school education to a successful virtual platform.  

“Jump with Jill” Owner Jill Jayne reached out to PennTAP for assistance in applying for two Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Small Business Advantage Grants (SBAG) to support upgrades for her production studio. 

The Project

With the support of the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund (WPPSEF), PennTAP was able to assist “Jump with Jill” with two SBAG applications. For the first project, technical advisor Alanna Colvin supported the calculations for a lighting and fan upgrade.  

Implementing the recommended energy efficiency measures is projected to save “Jump with Jill” $846/yr, equivalent to reducing energy consumption by 7,996 kWh/yr. 

“This lighting and fan upgrade made it more comfortable to be in our space,” said Jayne. “Before this renovation, we’d walk into rooms with blinking or poorly lit spaces. It felt dingy and broken. So not only did this project bring down our utility bills, proper lighting and air circulation have huge impacts on employee health and morale – especially when we had to spread out and use additional spaces to follow COVID protocols.” 

For the second project, PennTAP supported the calculations for additional lighting and HVAC upgrades. Implementing the recommended energy efficiency measures determined by the calculation could save “Jump with Jill” $939.15/yr, equivalent to reducing energy consumption by 6,916 kWh/yr and 88 MMBtu/yr. 

Outcomes and Benefits

With PennTAP’s assistance, “Jump with Jill” was awarded two SBAGs, one to support each phase of the project upgrades. The company was awarded $1,364 for the LED lighting upgrade project, and an additional $2,049 to support the additional lighting and HVAC upgrade project at the “Jump with Jill” production studio. Although the pandemic has put some limitations on the energy usage at the site, “Jump with Jill” anticipates savings 60% of their electricity bill once operations resume pre-pandemic levels.  

PennTAP is committed to helping achieve eight of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Of those eight goals, this project aligned with: 

#3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages 

#7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all 

About the Client

Jump with Jill
1172 2nd Ave
New Kensington, PA 15068
Phone: (800) 531-0760
County: Westmoreland
Industry: Educational entertainment