PennTAP Helps MedImmune Reduce Costs for Long-Term Competitiveness

The Need

MedImmune has a goal to ensure the firm’s long-term competitiveness through reduced operating cost. Systematic energy management has helped the MedImmune Gaithersburg (MD) campus demonstrate its commitment to reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions through sustained energy efficiency.

The PennTAP Connection

PennTAP was contracted by the Department of Energy (DOE) and Maryland Energy Administration to act as coach to MedImmune when they were selected to participate in the Northeast Superior Energy Performance (SEP) Demonstration.  PennTAP continued on the project even after the DOE-sponsored demonstration ended and worked with MedImmune toward SEP Certification.

The Project

SEP certifies industrial facilities that implement an energy management system that meets the ISO 50001 energy management system standard and achieves verified and improved energy performance. The verification of savings follows a robust measurement and verification protocol. An independent third party audits each facility to verify achievements and qualify for recognition at the Silver, Gold, or Platinum level, based on performance.

The Outcome

Medimmune’s commitment to energy efficiency resulted in an energy performance improvement of 8.5% in three years. Cost savings from reduced energy use and more efficient maintenance and operating practices at the Gaithersburg campus exceeded
$1 million per year. MedImmune Gaithersburg received certification to SEP (Silver) in October 2014.

About the Company

One MedImmune Way
Gaithersburg MD 20878

Wilbur Williams,
GBC Energy Manager
Gaithersburg Site Operations

Employees:  3,500
Industry: Biologics Research and Development