Penn State Student Helps PennTAP Analyze Data for Annual Energy Savings at DiamondBack

The Need

DiamondBack Truck Covers manufactures truck bed covers and related accessories at their 30,000-square-foot facility in Philipsburg, Pennsylvania. DiamondBack uses metal, hardware, and welding supplies that all come from American suppliers. The company wanted to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of their production operations. During the site assessment and in discussions with company staff, it was determined that considerable energy is wasted by the compressed air system, welding equipment, and lighting system.

The PennTAP Connection

A PennTAP senior technical specialist and a Penn State engineering student visited the facility to observe operations and collect data regarding the facility’s energy use and potential opportunities for energy savings. This service was offered to DiamondBack at no-cost, due to grant funding through the Department of Energy (DOE) State Energy Program and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Agency (DEP).

The Project

Subsequent to the site visits, PennTAP performed substantial research, data review, calculations, and analysis, the results of which were presented to the company in a final assessment report. The objective of this assessment is to generate a list of recommended actions to conserve energy and reduce waste, and to quantify the expected savings. Energy and environmental conservation opportunities were identified for the facility’s compressed air systems, welding equipment, and lighting systems.

The Outcome

PennTAP recommended a total annual savings of $16,300, based on an annual savings of $4,300 and $12,000 for energy and labor, respectively. PennTAP recommended that the company replace each of the three existing welding units with a new model, which would save $12,000 per year in labor costs due to the increased speed of welding and reduced clean-up time. PennTAP also conducted an energy efficiency assessment of the compressed air system, with recommendations to reduce compressed air leaks, install no-loss compressed air condensate drains, reduce compressor air pressure, and use synthetic lubricants.

About the Company

DiamondBack Truck Covers
200 Shady Lane Drive
Philipsburg PA 16866

County: Centre

Employees: 40
Industry: Automobile Parts Manufacturing