PennTAP helps Jefferson County ammunition manufacturer secure funding, upgrade rooftop heating and cooling units
May 16, 2022

“Upon ICC’s introduction to PennTAP through NWIRC, multiple energy saving projects have been successfully completed. Resources provided by PennTAP have allowed us to better understand how we can become more energy efficient, while providing cost savings to the company. PennTAP’s knowledgeable staff has been vital in making the application process for the Small Business Advantage Grant seamless.” Daniel P. Gordon, CFO, International Cartridge Corporation

The Need

International Cartridge Corporation (ICC) develops and manufactures exclusive lines of premium ammunition to advance the lead-free and frangible concept for military, law enforcement, hunting, and self-defense applications. 

ICC originally connected with PennTAP in 2013 for assistance with their Small Business Advantage Grant (SBAG) application to upgrade their facility lighting. More recently, PennTAP worked with ICC to review their heating and cooling Roof Top Units (RTUs) and apply for another SBAG. 

The Project

ICC learned about PennTAP through a referral from Northwest Industrial Resource Center (NWIRC). In 2013, PennTAP worked with NWIRC and ICC to do a lighting assessment. At that time, T8s were the standard lighting upgrade to install and PennTAP assisted with an SBAG application to fund the lighting upgrade.  

Then, in 2021, NWIRC and ICC reconnected with PennTAP to complete a facility walkthrough under the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency grant. PennTAP advisors Alanna Colvin and Heidi Shadeck reviewed ICC’s HVAC and RTUs, compressed air leaks, and the lighting for a future LED upgrade. 

ICC moved forward with replacing the four oldest RTUs, which are used to heat and cool the production and warehouse areas. The old units used R-22/HCFC-22 refrigerant, which has been phased out by the EPA. This project eliminated the usage of R-22 and provided additional pollution prevention savings. Colvin and Shadeck helped the ICC team acquire an SBAG for the project, and  ICC finished their RTU installation project by November 2021.

Outcomes and Benefits

With PennTAP’s assistance, ICC received a $5,160 SBAG in 2013 to upgrade their lighting and a $7,000 SBAG in 2021 to upgrade their RTUs. 

The upgrades to the RTUs have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 113 tons, electricity usage by 6,765 kWh, and annual energy costs by $2,122. 

PennTAP will continue to support ICC as they plan for a future lighting upgrade project.

PennTAP is committed to helping achieve nine of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Of those nine goals, this project aligned with: 

#12: Responsible consumption and production 

#13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 

About the Client

International Cartridge Corporation
2273 Route 310
Reynoldsville, PA 15851
Phone: (814) 938-6820
County: Jefferson
Industry: Ammunition Manufacturing

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