Unlock Funding Opportunities

Investing in energy-efficient technologies, equipment, and controls can be costly, but PennTAP is here to help you secure the necessary funding. Our expert advisors guide you through the process of finding and applying for energy grants and rebates that suit your business needs. Services include grant qualifications, audit support, application completion, and ongoing assistance.

Check Out This PennTAP Webinar

Funding and Incentives to Finance Energy Efficiency Improvements in Your Facility

This PennTAP webinar covers funding opportunities for small to mid-sized companies throughout Pennsylvania. Improving energy efficiency and reducing energy-related costs can often require investment in new equipment, technology, or controls. Often, many companies are eligible to apply for funding to assist with improvement efforts. Eligibility of sites and projects, as well as project payback estimates, should be considered carefully.

Find out how PennTAP can help you secure the energy grants and rebates your business needs to thrive.