Creekside Springs achieves $24,000 in annual energy savings with support from PennTAP
March 27, 2024

“The assistance provided by the PennTAP team was immensely valuable, and we are grateful for their support.” — James Sas, Managing Partner, Creekside Springs, LLC

The Need
Creekside Springs, LLC is a bottled water manufacturer situated in Beaver County, PA. Seeking to expand both their workforce and market presence, the management team of Creekside Springs was looking to implement energy-efficient strategies to reduce costs. James Sas, the Managing Partner, engaged with PennTAP staff during a workshop and subsequently scheduled an energy assessment at both of their facilities, located in Ambridge and New Brighton, PA.
The Project
PennTAP technical advisor Alanna Colvin conducted Energy Efficiency (E2) assessments at both Creekside Springs locations. During the site tours, the PennTAP advisors captured images of the company’s processes and operations, which included taking infrared photos to identify air leaks. Based on the information collected from the visits and from additional discussions, PennTAP focused on improving the fluorescent lighting, compressed air leaks and boiler insulation.Colvin determined that these energy improvements would be eligible for Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) Small Business Advantage Grant (SBAG) funding. PennTAP assisted Creekside Springs with the SBAG application process. For improvements related to lighting replacements, PennTAP also assisted with submissions for Act 129 rebates.Outcomes and BenefitsThis project provided several benefits to Creekside Springs:

  • The proposed upgrades are expected to save the company 274,188 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year, equivalent to $27,494 annually. The upgrades are also expected to save the company 380 million British thermal units (MMBtu) of natural gas per year, equivalent to $2,804 annually. Total projected annual energy cost savings are $30,298.
  • PennTAP helped Creekside Springs obtain a combined $12,000 from the PADEP SBAG and Act 129 Utility Rebates.
  • Creekside Springs is achieving cost savings of $24,000/year. Their $30,000 investment allowed them to add 6 new jobs and retain 7 jobs.

PennTAP is committed to helping achieve nine of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Of those nine goals, this project aligned with:  

About the Client
Creekside Springs, LLC
Address: 667 Merchant Street, Ambridge, PA 15003
Phone: 724-266-9000
County: Beaver
Industry: Bottled Water Manufacturer
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