This forum will showcase how Penn State University is helping small-medium manufacturers (SMM) grow their Industry 5.0 workforce and advance their technologies using artificial intelligence. Presentations will feature examples of student/faculty engagement through university-industry partnerships with Penn State’s Center for Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Industry (AIMI), the Nittany AI Alliance, and Penn State Scranton’s Information Systems Technology (IST) and Mechanical Engineering programs. Participants will be asked to share their own needs to inform future partnership initiatives.
Following the forum, Dr. Marwan Wafa, Penn State Scranton Chancellor, will host a tour of the new Engineering Building. Refreshments will also be provided.
Who should attend: manufacturing industry executives, NEPIRC staff, educators, students, and other economic development professionals.
Speakers include:
- Soundar Kumara, PhD, Allen, E., and Allen, M., Pearce Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and Director of the Center for the Applications of AI & ML to Industry (AIMI)
- Andy Gatto, Strategic Partner Manager of the Nittany AI Alliance
- Majid Chastaz, PhD, PE, Mechanical Engineering Program Coordinator at Penn State Scranton
- Fred Aebli, IT Program Co-Coordinator (Internships), Instructor/Advisor Penn State Scranton
- Don Webster, Facilitator. Executive Director, tecBRIDGE.
About the Northeastern PA Technology, Economy, Community (TEC) Talks
In partnership with local industries, non-profit organizations, Penn State faculty, and Penn State Commonwealth Campuses in Northeast Pennsylvania, PennTAP is hosting a forum series designed to spur discussion on emerging technologies and their potential to drive the regional economy, as well as identify use-inspired research and workforce education needs.