EarthNet Energy’s Improved Web Presence Leads to Multiple Economic Benefits

The Need

EarthNet Energy, located in Chambersburg, is a solar energy business trying to build a reputation as the go-to people for solar heating and cooling.

The PennTAP Connection

EarthNet Energy owner, Brad McNew, attended a presentation at MANTEC in south central Pennsylvania showcasing the Penn State’s Learning Factory. At that time, Penn State’s Rick Hoover shared what services PennTAP could provide.

The Project

Representatives from PennTAP and EarthNet Energy discussed their potential marketing project. It was determined that a website assessment would be completed. In the end, PennTAP provided suggestions for a website redesign for greater web visibility through search engine optimization and social media marketing.

The Outcome

PennTAP assisted EarthNet Energy with improving their website ranking and understanding the necessity of social media marketing. The return on investment reported through the economic benefits survey was:

  • $3,000 cost avoidance
  • $3,000 capital expenditures
  • 2 jobs created/retained
  • $36,000 total economic benefits (still compiling)

About the Organization

EarthNet Energy
95 Brim Boulevard
Chambersburg PA 17201

County: Franklin

Employees: 10
Industry: Alternative Energy